Wednesday 14 July 2010

Potts, Henshall and Newbies!

Sorry I've not been posting but there is news and you can find it here :)

[There are *SPOILERS* in this post so don't read on if you don't wanna know!]

FIRSTLY Andrew Lee Potts has said in an interview that "I suppose, in a way, I am the character to carry [Cutter's role in the team] on now, so there are definitely going to be more nods toward Connor becoming more like Cutter."

You can read more by CLICKING HERE

Douglas Henshall has revealed that he is "grateful" to Primeval -

"Before that I was in things that were on 10 o'clock on a Thursday night rather than Saturday primetime," he told TV Choice. "But it's been good for me and brought me to a much wider group of people. I'm very grateful because it's allowed me to do different things."


NOW, if your looking at that picture up there on the right hand side and wondering 'who the hell are they?', I'm pleased to tell you that they are the new Primeval cast! At the back you can see Abby, Connor and Becker and at the front are the Newbies who are called Matt and Jess.

Matt is played by Ciarán McMenamin and Jess is Ruth Kearney.

Click the picture to see it in full.

Thanks for reading :)